The Process for Filing a Flood Insurance Claim

Floods can occur unexpectedly and inflict considerable damage in a short span. Homeowners in Houston, TX, who have included flood insurance in their homeowner’s policies have shown good foresight. However, those who have never had to file a flood insurance claim may be uncertain of the procedure due to a lack of past experience. Here is a concise explanation of the claim filing process:

A Straightforward Approach

Filing a claim following a flood incident is straightforward and shouldn’t induce stress. Here are the steps involved in the process:

  • Step 1 – Immediately report the damage to your flood insurance provider.
  • Step 2 – Document the flood damage through photos and videos, including the height of the water. Do not remove any damaged items unless you have photographic evidence, providing your adjuster ample proof for examination.
  • Step 3 – Initiate the cleanup post-flooding to halt mold growth.
  • Step 4 – Prepare for the adjuster’s visit. While photos and videos can help establish the extent of the damage, most adjusters would prefer to assess the damage in person.
  • Step 5 – After your adjuster has completed the necessary documentation and all other requirements, you will receive payment commensurate with the assessed damage.

As evident, the flood insurance claim process should not be daunting. It is relatively easy and akin to other types of insurance claim procedures. If you’re searching for a new flood insurance provider for your home in Houston, TX, consider Modern Risk Management. We strive to offer excellent service and maintain affordable rates. Contact us today for a quote and to embark on this journey.

Can I use my Houston, TX flood insurance as soon as I purchase it?

Your Houston, TX home insurance and renters insurance cover some natural disasters. Unfortunately, flooding is not one of the natural disasters that is covered under a standard policy. That is why it is so important to have a policy so that your family doesn’t suffer if something happens. At Modern Risk Management, we can help you find a policy to meet your needs.

When To Purchase Flood Insurance

If you think there is not much risk of flooding, you may decide to wait. That could cause you to lose out on the ability to use flood insurance because almost all flood insurance policies have a waiting period of 30 days.

Exceptions To the 30-Day Waiting Period

There are some exceptions to the waiting period:

  1. You would probably not need to wait 30 days if you added flood insurance while creating your policy, renewing it, or increasing your overall policy.
  2. You can probably waive the period if you add the extra coverage to your renewal bill.
  3. There is also a rare exception for some homes recently affected by wildfire. 
  4. Another unusual exception may apply to homes recently added to high-risk flood areas.

Don’t Wait To Protect Your Home

The water can destroy the structure even if a flood leaves your home standing. Water can cause permanent damage quickly, cracking your foundation, interfering with your electrical system, and destroying everything inside your home. Mold and mildew can start growing within 24 to 48 hours, leading to additional health hazards. 

Without flood insurance, you will be responsible for paying for the damages to your Houston, TX home. If you have any questions about flood insurance or would like to add a policy, please call Modern Risk Management today.

Recover Quicker from Flood Disasters with Flood Insurance

Houston, TX is no stranger to flood disasters. Hundreds, if not thousands, of homeowners have been victims of flooding within the last few years. By purchasing flood insurance, you can protect yourself against flood risks. Modern Risk Management offers flood insurance protection to homeowners in Houston and surrounding areas.

Importance of Flood Coverage

Home insurance protects you from a variety of disasters. This includes water damage that may occur due to a broken pipe or other plumbing problem in your home. Flood damage caused by outside water sources, however, such as rising rivers and lakes, melting snow, or ocean surges, is NOT covered by your home insurance policy. That kind of protection comes from flood insurance.

Flooding can occur almost anywhere, even if you don’t reside in a “flood zone.” And there’s no telling how much damage a flood can cause. It doesn’t take much water to ruin the foundation or interior of a home. Without flood coverage, you’ll bear the brunt of paying for flood damages. You could suffer financial ruin if you don’t have the monetary resources to do so.

Recover Quicker from Flood Disasters

Flood insurance offers both dwelling and contents coverage to protect your home and belongings. You can purchase dwelling coverage up to $250,000. You can protect your goods for up to $100,000. Flood insurance provides financial support to help you recuperate your losses after a flood disaster. This support can help you recover quicker from flood damage to move on. Flood insurance can’t prevent floods, but it can help save you from substantial financial loss. 

To learn more about flood insurance coverage in Houston, TX, or to purchase a flood policy, contact your Modern Risk Management agent today!    

I don’t live in a flood zone. Should I still consider flood insurance?

It’s common sense that flood insurance is an obvious necessity if you live in a flood zone. In fact, many mortgage companies require homeowners to carry flood insurance if they live in a flood zone. This is primarily because homeowners insurance doesn’t cover flooding.

However, flood insurance may also be a worthwhile investment for those that don’t live in a flood zone. Modern Risk Management is here to educate Houston, TX residents on the benefits of flood insurance.

What is Flood Insurance and Why do I Need it?

Flood insurance is designed to cover any damage to your home, the structures on your property, and your personal belongings, as a result of flooding. Homeowner’s insurance doesn’t cover flood damage. This is why investing in flood insurance is practical, especially if you live in a flood zone. 

I don’t live in a Flood Zone. Should I Still Consider Flood Insurance?

Flood insurance is a wise investment even if you don’t live in a flood zone. Many people would be ill-prepared to cover the damage caused by an unexpected flood. In fact, many flood claims come from people who live in areas that aren’t considered flood zones. Some would say, "better safe than sorry." It’s best to have the coverage, even if you don’t live in an area prone to flooding.

Also, flood insurance can be affordable. People who choose to rely on federal help in the event of a flood may receive limited funds to take care of flood damage. The damage caused by floods can be costly and expensive to repair. Flood insurance provides a safety net to get the repairs you need if your home or belongings are damaged by flooding.

We Are Here To Help

If you have questions about flood insurance, we can help. Call us at Modern Risk Management in Houston, TX. We’re standing by.

Do I Need to Buy Flood Insurance If I’m Not In A High-Risk Area?

Flooding can happen anywhere, and it’s not just a problem for people who live in high-risk areas. In fact, according to the National Flood Insurance Program, about 25% of flood insurance claims are from low and moderate-risk places. So if you’re wondering whether or not you need flood insurance, the answer is probably yes. Here we discuss some factors that determine your risk level and whether or not you should buy flood insurance.

Why You Need Flood Insurance in a Low-Risk Area

There are a few reasons you might need flood insurance, even if you don’t live in a high-risk area. First, just because your area isn’t considered high risk doesn’t mean it can’t flood. Flooding can occur anywhere there is heavy rainfall or melting snow. It doesn’t have to be a hurricane or other natural disaster to cause problems.

Second, your home could still be at risk even if your area isn’t prone to flooding. If your home is near a body of water that could overflow in a heavy rainstorm, you might consider buying flood insurance. Finally, if you have a mortgage on your home, your lender might require you to buy flood insurance.

How to Determine Your Risk Level

There are a few ways to determine your risk level for flooding. The first is to check the FEMA Flood Map Service Center to see if your home is in a high-risk area like Houston, TX. If it is, you’ll probably be required to buy flood insurance.

You can also check with your local floodplain manager to see if there are any special flood hazard areas near you. Even if your home isn’t in a designated high-risk place, you might still be required to buy flood insurance if it’s located in a special flood hazard area. Talk to a reputable agency such as Modern Risk Management to learn more about your flood insurance needs.

Give Us A Call

Flood insurance is not required if you don’t live in a high-risk area, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a good idea. Modern Risk Management in Houston, TX can help you determine whether or not flood insurance is right for your situation. If you’re unsure, talk to our insurance agent to get more information.

Is flood insurance mandatory in Texas?

Almost every major city in Texas, including Houston, TX, is situated in flood-prone areas. Nevertheless, floods can occur anywhere. Therefore, it’s paramount to get formidable flood insurance to avert massive financial ruins related to flood damage. Modern Risk Management is an Agency in Houston, TX that uses modern technology to identify, assess and control threats that can cause accidents and injuries. Due to modernity, most citizens in Texas find it fancy to live in specific areas like along the beach, on islands, and other risk-prone sites. Living near a beach is risky because of the risks associated in the case of floods. Please contact our agents at Modern Risk Management and get flood insurance coverage that meets your needs and budget.

Is Flood Insurance Mandatory in Texas?

In Texas, getting flood insurance is wise, especially when living in flood zone areas. However, it is not against the law to lack flood insurance. Texas doesn’t require homeowners to have flood insurance, but you may be prompted to buy coverage as security for a mortgage or for those residents residing in flood-prone areas. Are you planning to move to a new location? You need to know if it is a flood zone. There are detailed maps online for property owners to survey whether they are living in flood zones. Modern Risk Management is highly rated for providing fast quality flood insurance policies.

Types of Flood Coverages.

1.     Personal property coverage. The flood insurance policy ensures that policyholders in Houston TX get compensation for their personal belongings like clothes and furniture. Also, the electric machines, curtains, and carpets are covered. If you have a valuable item like original artwork, it is also recovered in case of floods. Devastating floods can occur and cause damage to the freezers and any content inside. Worry not. Modern Risk Management is there for you.

2.     Building Property Coverage. Purchasing flood insurance from Modern Risk Management covers electrical and plumbing systems, detached gadgets, fuel tanks, and permanently installed cabinets and paneling. Moreover, window blinds are also included in the coverage. Fuel tanks, pumps, and solar energy equipment are covered. Texas residents have a taste in style and design. Therefore, valuable building properties are protected. 

Prevention is better than cure. Designing a contingency plan in Houston, TX to counter any losses that floods can propagate. It gets costly for fishing personal savings and cash to pay for all the damages associated with flooding. Please call or visit us at Modern Risk Management and get your flood insurance policy today!

What is covered by flood insurance

Every year the news reports floods that cause billions of dollars of damage to people’s homes and lives. Places that have not suffered before or that have had 100-year floods are not even uncommon anymore. According to FEMA, just one inch of water can cause $25,000 in damage. If you don’t have flood coverage, you will need to pay for this damage out of your pocket. At Modern Risk Management in Houston, TX, we are locally owned and operated. We offer multiple carriers to give our customers choices. 

National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is managed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), but you can purchase it through about 60 insurance companies. The rates are mandated, so you can rest assured that you will pay the same rate no matter which company you choose. So when you are deciding, pick a company you know offers great service. Anyone living in a participating NFIP community can purchase this insurance. That means it is available to owners and renters.

Two types of flood insurance are available to purchase. They are sold separately, and you can buy one or both. One covers the building, and one covers the content. As you can imagine, both will help you get back to where you were before the flood. 

The building insurance covers the actual structure and the foundation. It also covers

  • electric system
  • plumbing
  • air conditioning
  • furnace
  • water heater
  • kitchen cabinets
  • built-in appliances
  • refrigerator
  • stove
  • built-in bookcases
  • carpet over unfinished floors
  • fuel tank
  • detached garage

The contents insurance covers

  • your clothing
  • personal items
  • electronic
  • furniture
  • small kitchen appliances
  • microwave
  • washer and dryer
  • carpeting over finished floors
  • window air conditioners

Flood insurance can make the difference between losing everything and being able to rebuild your home and your life. At Modern Risk Management in Houston, TX, we want to ensure that you have the coverage you need. Give us a call to make an appointment for a no-obligation quote.